The 2024 Master's Thesis Defense Meeting of the Constitution Group of Southeast University Law School Was Successfully Held
Release time : 2024-06-02         Viewed : 10

At 9:00 a.m. on May 12, the Master's Thesis Defense of the 2021 Constitutional Law Group of the School of Law of Southeast University was held in the conference room on the fourth floor of the School of Law of the Jiulong Lake Campus of Southeast University. A total of 9 master's degree students (Tang Hanyu, Zheng Yi, Liu Suhua, Luo Chenbing, Zhang Haozheng, Zhang Jiahui, Tao Yiran, Wu Haichao, and Xiao Han) from the Constitutional Law Group of Grade 2021 of the School of Law participated in the defense. Associate Professor Tian Fang of Law School of Nanjing University acted as the chairman of the defense committee, Professor Liu Lianjun, Professor Gong Xianghe and Associate Professor Chen Daoying of Law School of Southeast University, Lawyer Sha Yongchun, senior partner of Jiangsu Zibang Law Firm acted as members of the defense committee, and Ms. Wan Qianhui acted as the secretary of the defense committee.


The defense team strictly followed the requirements of “Measures for the Whole Process Management of Postgraduate Dissertation Quality in Southeast University School of Law”, “Measures for the Work of Postgraduate Dissertation Quality Guidance Team in Southeast University School of Law” and other normative documents, and other master's degree students of the Constitution Group of the Southeast University School of Law as well as doctoral degree students observed the defense meeting.  


The defense started at 9:00 a.m. on May 19th and lasted until about 15:00 p.m.. In the defense, nine students made detailed presentations on the thesis topic, research purpose, research content, research methodology, key difficulties and innovations of their respective theses. On this basis, the teachers of the defense committee put forward many targeted and constructive questions based on the content of the thesis and the students' statements, and the students answered them one by one carefully and meticulously.


The organization and operation of the defense meeting conformed to the procedural norms. During the defense, the nine students were well-prepared and fully explained the core viewpoints, innovations, and modifications around the opinions of the external examiners of the defended thesis, with smooth logic and clear points, which reflected the professionalism and research ability of the students of our college. The defense committee was conscientious and responsible, highlighting the key points without losing the novelty of the questions raised by the defense students, and made overall evaluation and detailed modification suggestions on the thesis. After full preparation and intense thinking, the defenders answered all the questions raised by the defense committee, recorded and revised them immediately, and tried to make the quality of the thesis further improved. Finally, after the collective resolution of the defense committee, it is recommended to confer the master's degree on 9 master's degree students of the Constitution Group, and this defense meeting is successfully completed.

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