The 2024 Master's Thesis Defense Meeting of the Administrative Law Group of Southeast University Law School Was Successfully Held
Release time : 2024-06-02         Viewed : 10

At 9:00 a.m. on May 19, the thesis defense of the 2024 master's degree students of the Administrative Law Group of the Law School of Southeast University was held in the conference room on the fourth floor and the big data conference room on the fifth floor of the Jiulong Lake Campus of Southeast University. A total of 21 master's degree students of the 2021 class of the School of Law participated in the defense. The defense was held in two groups, the first group was chaired by Prof. Wang Taigao of Law School of Nanjing University as the chairman of the defense committee, and Director Qian Peng of Taihetai (Nanjing) Law Firm, Prof. Yang Dengfeng, Prof. Xiong Zhanglin, and Associate Prof. Gu Dasong of Law School of Southeast University as the members of the defense committee. The second group consists of Prof. Xing Hongfei of Hohai University Law School as the chairman of the defense committee, Director Zhou Lianyong of Jiangsu Bosda Law Firm, Prof. Meng Hongzhi, Prof. Yu Lixin and Associate Prof. Li Yuxing of Southeast University Law School as the members of the defense committee. Lecturer Zhang Yunhao of Law School of Southeast University served as the secretary of the defense. The defense team strictly complied with the requirements of “Measures for the Whole Process Management of Graduate Student Dissertation Quality in Southeast University School of Law”, “Measures for the Work of Graduate Student Dissertation Quality Steering Group in Southeast University School of Law” and other normative documents, and made full preparations for this graduate student defense and recorded and photographed the whole process to ensure that the defense work was carried out smoothly. Other master and doctoral students of Administrative Law Group of Southeast University School of Law observed the defense.


The specific flow of the defense is as follows: first, the chairman of the defense committee introduces the composition of the committee and the list of secretaries, reads out the order of the defense and notes, and announces the beginning of the defense; the master's degree students who take part in the defense report the main contents of their dissertations in the order; after each graduate student finishes the report, the members of the committee ask questions of the student, and at the same time, the student records the questions from the committee members and prepares to answer the questions. At the same time, the students recorded the questions of the committee members and prepared to answer the questions; after the questioning session, the graduate students answered the questions according to the previous order; at last, the committee conducted closed-door deliberation, voted, and announced the resolution of the defense committee.


The defense started at 9:00 a.m. on May 19th and lasted until about 2:30 p.m.. In the defense, 21 students made detailed presentations on the thesis topic, research purpose, research content, research methodology, key difficulties and innovations of their respective dissertations. Combined with the content of the students' defense, the committee put forward an overall evaluation and detailed modification suggestions on the respondents' dissertations. The students answered this one by one in a serious and detailed way, and promised to make targeted modifications to the defense thesis.


Finally, after the closed-door deliberation of the committee, the chairman of the committee announced the unanimous resolution that the 21 master's degree students who participated in the defense had passed the master's thesis defense, and recommended that the university confer the master's degree. Finally, this master's thesis defense meeting of Administrative Law Group was successfully completed in a serious and lively atmosphere.


In addition, at 9:00 a.m. on May 23, the thesis defense of one master's degree student of Administrative Law Group of Class 2021 of the Law School of Southeast University was held in the conference room of Human Rights Research Institute on the fifth floor of the Jiulong Lake Campus of Southeast University. The defense committee was composed of Prof. Ning Libiao of Guizhou University Law School as the chairman of the defense committee, Mr. Zhou Lianyong, Director of Jiangsu Bostar Law Firm, Prof. Meng Hongzhi and Prof. Liu Lianjun of Southeast University Law School as the members of the committee, and Mr. Dong Guozhen as the secretary of the defense committee. The defense committee was formed in accordance with the law and regulations, and the presentation of the defending students, questions asked by the members and answers given by the students were smooth.

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